Learning From The Controversial Case of Chinese Swimmers Who Was Initially Declared to be Doping due to Food Contamination

Controversial case of Chinese swimmers on the possibility of doping. Source: The Times.

Jakarta, 8 May 2024

Recently, WADA has worked hard due to the issues raised by several international media from various countries, which generally reported that samples from 23 Chinese aquatic athletes were declared positive for doping, namely containing the doping compound TMZ (Trimetazidine) which is included in WADA’s 2021 Prohibited List. The effect of this TMZ compound is to increase blood flow to the heart and brain and increase the use of oxygen by body tissue/muscle tissue. However, CHINADA authorities (Chinese Anti-Doping Agency) stated that some of these athletes unknowingly ingested the substance from contaminated / contaminated food and were not given action.

After carrying out a comprehensive assessment, WADA finally concluded that given the specific circumstances of the alleged contamination, the athletes were deemed to have committed no mistake or negligence. On the other hand, USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) provided a response stating that the swimmers should be suspended and identified publicly. Even USADA claims that it has accused Chinese swimming athletes of doping several times since 2020.

The case has finally been clarified by WADA, although it is still under scrutiny by USADA. Regardless of whether there are political elements or interests in the debate between WADA and USADA, that case has prompted IADO to remind all athletes and their supporting team personnel as follows:

  1. Any athlete must be aware that any consumption that enters and is consumed into the body, whether food, drink or supplements, is the full responsibility of the person concerned. As it is known, in Indonesia there are various wealth of herbs, herbal medicine, food and supplements which are believed to contain ingredients to improve sports performance, although it is not yet known for certain the impact or consequences whether there is an element of doping or not.
  2. Considering that one form of doping violation is an indication that another party is trying or making an effort to cause another person / athlete to consume prohibited substances, then any athlete and / or support team personnel must be able to try to ensure that what is consumed at a training event, single event and multi-event activities are completely safe from the possibility of doping without causing prejudice or commotion.
  3. Athletes should not easily accept offers of certain foods which may not be clear about what they are consuming unless they have been prepared by their doctor or their own team, because if the consequences are indicated as doping, then it is not only the responsibility of the athlete but also the team concerned.
  4. The athletes’ team must remain committed to not trying to damage the reputation of the athletes they coach or train themselves.
  5. Considering that there are now more and more supplement and food / drink products whose promotions promise to improve athlete performance, it is recommended that athletes and / or their support teams consult with their team doctor with a note that the doctor ensures that what the athlete will consume does not contain any substances. prohibited as stated in the Prohibited List on the WADA and/or IADO websites.
  6. If athletes and / or their supporting team personnel come across a product with a label that states that a particular product has been declared clean from doping by WADA, then this is actually not true, because WADA has never provided such a guarantee, because the most likely thing is to do so only through identification on WADA’s Prohibited List.
  7. Likewise, products whose labels more or less state “have passed inspection by the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Administration / distribution permit”, then this does not guarantee that the food / drink does not contain prohibited doping substances. The Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Administration’s labeling is valid in accordance with its authorized authority and responsibilities as regulated in the Food and Drug Supervisory Administration Regulations concerning Control of Drugs and Food into the Indonesian Territory, and a number of other regulations related to the duties and functions of the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Administration. Accordingly, IADO fully supports the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Administration’s work, but has never coordinated with that institution, so as soon as possible in the near future it will coordinate with the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Administration to make it easier to provide explanations to athletes.
  8. Due to the seriousness of the case of the Chinese athletes, one of the members of the Executive Committee of NOC of Indonesia (Mr. Wisnu Wardhana) at the coordination meeting on May 6th, 2024 with all representatives of the National Federations (which was also attended by IADO) that a number of athletes will be sent to the Paris Olympics 2024, reminded that the case of the Chinese athlete taught the Indonesian contingent a valuable lesson to be more careful in monitoring the food / drinks consumed by Indonesian athletes.
  9. Finally, IADO realizes that the need for additional / extra nutrition and supplements that are adequate and in accordance with the recommendations of athlete nutrition experts is important for improving athlete performance. However, any athlete and or his / her athlete support personnel are prohibited to violate the provisions set out by WADA.

Jakarta, 8 May 2024.

Chairman of IADO,
Gatot S. Dewa Broto

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