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Clean Sport matters. Both Athletes and Athlete Support Personnel (ASP) have a role to play in protecting clean sport.

Photo by Alexander Nadrilyanski:

Because, when you are part of clean sport you…

  • Respect yourself, others and your sport
  • Participate and compete with integrity
  • Reach your potential through discipline, training, rest, recovery and appropriate nutrition practices
  • Uphold your values and principles
  • Are educated on all things anti-doping
  • Seek help and information when needed
  • Abide by the anti-doping rules
  • Advocate for your rights and perform your anti-doping responsibilities
  • Speak up to share concerns about doping

The Principle of Strict Liability

You are solely responsible for any banned substance you use, attempt to use or is found in your system, regardless of intention to cheat, fault, negligence or knowing to use.

Do you know that doping is not only about being positive tested? In the World Anti-Doping Code, doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). Click on the link below to find out more about ADRVs

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