Whereabouts Information

Registered Testing Pool (RTP) athletes under IADO or the International Federation are advised to refer to the respective athlete’s IADO or international federation to find out the athlete’s attendance obligations.

Providing presence is about protecting athletes’ right to clean sport. Providing complete, current and accurate whereabouts information enables IADO or any authorized organization responsible for sample collection to locate athletes for testing without further notice.

Failure to update whereabouts information is an anti-doping rule violation.

Information contained on Whereabouts

Daily information on whereabouts that must be filled in by athletes every day when athletes are on trips, competitions, holidays and or on other days. the information where the daily abouts are in every quarter is as follows:

  • Address and Contact Details (Home address/practice place, cellphone number and email address)
  • Overnight Address (full address of the place where athletes usually rest or sleep at night such as in a hotel or dormitory)
  • 60 minute time slot (specific 60 minute time slot reserved by athletes for testing)
  • Competition Schedule and Location (name and address of the competition venue where athletes are scheduled to compete during the quarter)
  • Information and Location of the place of training or other daily activities (date, time, address of the location where athletes will practice or carry out normal activities such as school or work)

All athletes can be sampled anytime and anywhere even if they are not included in the IADO RTP

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