Preparation of the Defending Champion for PON (2024 National Sports Games) in Aceh and Northern Sumatra

Anti-doping education for athletes and coaches of Western Java. Source: IADO.

Bandung, 15 May 2024

Regional Office of the National Sports Committee of Indonesia of Western Java (KONI Jabar) has ensured that its Contingent had obtained proper anti-doping education. Such an interesting education was delivered in Bandung on May 15th, 2024. In preparation for the 2024 National Sports Games (PON), which will be on the schedule to be organized in Aceh and Northern Sumatra Provinces, KONI Jabar in collaboration with IADO conducted an anti-doping education, whose aim was to prevent any doping case during the implementation of the national multievent (including on the National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatera which will be held in the short incoming months of the 2024).

That activity was opened by the Daily Chairman of KONI West Java, Brigadier General (Ret.) DR, Arief Priyatno, SIP, SH,M.Hum, in which he highly encouraged all teams to be expected to receive anti-doping education properly and can disseminate to athletes who will compete, so that any athlete can take early prevention of doping. IADO represented by Mr. Suharyanto as Director of Intelligence & Investigation delivered anti-doping overview and Dewi Putri Susanti as Education Staff delivered anti-doping education.

At the time of the event, there were 85 invited participants, namely the Regional Sport Federations that will be deployed by the Western Java Team during the National Sports Games. Several questions were raised by few participants including coaches, in which one of the questions related to Speak Up: “How can we report doping violations and what kind of evidence can we submit to strengthen the reporting?”. Mr. Suharyanto answered the question: “It would be very appreciated if there would be any person who has encourage to report fraud or violations regarding doping derived from both single or and multi event, because we wish that the reporting should be backed up by comprehensive support document include such as photos, videos, other documents and even recorded conversations that can be sent via the hotline available to Speak Up. Those aim to avoid any possible hoax or fake information.”

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