Doping Control at PEPARNAS (National Paralympic Games) of 2024 in Solo

Jakarta, 2 October 2024

After completing the National Sports Games (PON) in Aceh and Northern Sumatra, the XVII 2024 National ParalympicGames (PEPARNAS) will be organized on the October 6th to 13th, 2024 in Solo, Central Java and its surroundings, covering Sukoharjo, Boyolali and Karanganyar. It is estimated that this event will be attended by 3,100 athletes, 1,500 officials and thousands of supporters from 34 contingents. A total of 700 numbers were competed in 20 sport program.

As it also occurred at PON 2024, IADO will also be directly involved in doping control at PEPARNAS 2024, whose aim is to ensure that champions from several sports and also a number of athletes targeted by IADO whose urine samples are collected do not use prohibited substances or inaction that could potentially violate anti-doping regulations. As a comparison, at PEPARNAS 2016 in Western Java, there were 2 athletes who were declared doping, while at PEPARNAS 2021 in Papua there was 1 athlete who was declared doping.

Prior to PEPARNAS 2024, IADO has made various preparations in order that all plans to collect a number of samples from several sports (but not all the sports being competed) will be conducted smoothly, which will be carried out by 20 DCOs and assisted by 35 Chaperones (most of them come from Sebelas Maret State University and Muhamadiyah University Surakarta). Ideally, almost all sports would also be sampled, so that the total percentage could reach 10%. However, due to the limited budget provided, then IADO immediately adjusted the number of samples collected proportionally. Most importantly, even though the budget is limited Also, IADO remains committed to carrying out its duties as well as possible.

Compared to the implementation of PEPERNAS 2016 and PEPARNAS 2021, PEPARNAS 2024 will also involve educational activities by presenting 4 PRESIs (Education Presenters) and 2 educational staff from the IADO Education Directorate. Specifically regarding this education, for the first time presenting PRESI, as a continuation of the PRESI selection whose selection results were announced on August 30th, 2024 which resulted in 12 PRESI out of a total of 276 selection participants from across the country of Indonesia. Another thing that differentiates it is related to the involvement of the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation by presenting 4 staffs from the relevant directorates and 4 local investigators. The presence of educational, intelligence and investigative activities also took place during the 2024 PON recently.

IADO really hopes that no athletes will use prohibited substances and also hopes that neither athletes nor officials will violate anti-doping regulations. In addition, IADO also hopes is that no athletes who are exposed to doping can still compete in PEPARNAS, because an incident like that happened in the bodybuilding sport when the 2024 PON took place in Medan, so IADO has officially submitted a letter of objection to the athletes concerned and copies has also been sent to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Federation (PBFI. / Association of the Indonesia Bodybuilding and Fitness), KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) and most importantly to WADA. At that time, both athlete who was subject to sanction from IADO and their officials argued that their athlete had never been contacted by LADI and then also by IADO. In fact, IADO has repeatedly conveyed repeated notifications to the athlete and PBFI, and finally IADO was forced to publicly reveal digital traces of correspondence that had occurred that could be accounted for.

Jakarta, 2 October 2024.

Chairman of IADO,
Gatot S. Dewa Broto

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