Doping Prevention for the Upcoming 2024, 21st National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatera, in Central Java

Virtual anti-doping socialization for Central Java. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 15 June 2024

In preparation for the upcoming 2024, 21st National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatra, PPKORI (Association of Indonesian Sports Health Advisors) invited IADO to provide anti-doping guidance support. Participants consisted of coaches, administrators, and others who are classified as Athlete Support Personnel (ASP). IADO’s Education Director Mrs. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, S.M, MA, who presented through Zoom meeting, has explained that the role of ASPs is very essential to support strategies to prevent doping violations, which is the goal of anti-doping education in accordance with the applicable World Anti-Doping Code.

In that activity, it was also conveyed to the ASPs to continue to provide athletes with an understanding of sanctions such as bans, suspensions and of course the health risks of doping. In addition, Mrs. Natashya also said that ASPs and athletes can always consult to any doctor of national federation or any doctor of KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) if they do not feel properly and need medication, so that the doctor of national federation knows the athlete’s situation and can recommend the best medication for the athlete in terms of safety and athlete comfort. The national federation and KONI doctors also have to update the current list of banned substances, which is 2024. In addition, IADO has provided a pre- and post-test for the participants, with the aim of measuring the extent of the participants’ understanding of anti-doping education, especially in preparation for the 2024, 21st National Sports Games in Aceh and Northern Sumatera.

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