Medan, 15 August 2024
On the frame work of preparations for doping control activities prior to the upcoming XXI PON (National Sports Games) of 2024 in Aceh and Northern Sumatra, IADO on August 12th to 15th, 2024, in collaboration with the Northern Sumatra Health Office, has held training to prepare their doping control in Medan. That activity consisted of several training courses, including training for SCPs (Sample Collection Personnel), anti-doping campaign educators as well as investigators. Those activities would enable IADO to monitor doping control during the PON which will take place in the Northern Sumatra region. Meanwhile, similar activities will also be carried out in the Aceh region, specifically in Banda Aceh, the following week.
The related – activity in Medan was officially opened by the Acting Head of the Northern Sumatra Health Office Drs. Basarin Yunus Tanjung, M.Si on August 12th, 2024, accompanied by the Director of Intelligence and Investigation, Director of Testing, Head of the Planning Bureau and Director of IADO Education. The SCP training event will set up Chaperones and DCOs at the PON in Northern Sumatra where 100 participants will participate as Chaperones, and 42 participants will participate as DCOs (Doping Control Officer) training. The participants consisted of health service employees, medical personnel, education and sports communities in Northern Sumatra.
In addition, on the same time promoter training for anti-doping campaigns or outreach has been taking place, which was attended by 4 participants, where they will be on duty at several anti-doping campaign locations in few sports venues in Northern Sumatra. That anti-doping campaign needed to be carried out as a form of anti-doping prevention in sports by increasing awareness and providing information to athletes and athlete support personnel during PON. Furthermore, investigator training also took place which was attended by 4 participants. These entire series of activities were solely intended as preparation for doping control as a form of IADO’s commitment to contributing to the success of the 2024 PON XXI in terms of doping control which of course is expected to be clean and free of doping.