One Step Closer to Actualizing Educational Presenters

Dynamic circumstances during FGD of PRESI. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 22 August 2024

On Thursday, the 22nd of August, 2024, in Jakarta, the Phase 3 PRESI Training Maturation FGD was held in order to ratify the curriculum, materials, and training for Educational Presenters (PRESI) in FGD III. That FGD III PRESI activity invited stakeholders including the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education and Culture, National Olympic Committee, National Paralympic Committee, and KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia). The event was opened by the Chairman of IADO who in his opening remarks mentioned hopes for PRESI which would be the first pilot project in ASEAN in the field of anti-doping education. Furthermore, the Director of Education of IADO (Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization) explained the progress of PRESI activities, starting from the explanation on the definition of PRESI which means someone who is already trained and authorized to provide anti-doping education.

In addition, the FGD of PRESI training discussed 11 mandatory topics on anti-doping. The PRESI Drafting Team itself has been supervised by the Chairperson of IADO is led by the IADO Education Director, Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, S.M, M.A, and has 3 Commissions including the Curriculum Commission (led by Prof. Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu, M. Pd); Material Commission (led by Dr. Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis Penggalih, S.Gz., M.P.H); RD (led by Prof. Dr. Hardhono Susanto, PAK); and Training Commission (led by Prof. Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M. Si). PRESI has currently selected 20 people who passed the training stage. Furthermore, after being trained, a special selection will be conducted to be confirmed as Anti-Doping Education Presenters. In the future, PRESI will be heavily involved in various educational activities such as delivering education in the form of seminars, and webinars. Currently the Directorate of Education is intensively introducing ADEL (Anti-Doping Education and Learning) which is an online learning platform, specifically for Athletes and Athlete support personnel. Prof. Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu, M. Pd, as the PRESI Material Commission explained that PRESI has a total of 39 lesson hours (45 minutes / lesson hour) while the methods used are theory, simulation, independent task, and case studies, with a training time of 4 days.

On the discussion, the PRESI Training Commission Prof. Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M. Si that the training assessment will include Theory, Micro Teaching, Practical (Roleplay and Case Study), the evaluation results will produce an assessment from the expert whether the PRESI candidate is competent or not competent as a PRESI. There are 7 materials in the PRESI Module. After a long discussion between the PRESI Development Team and Stakeholders, the PRESI Training Curriculum, PRESI Training Modules and Materials, as well as the PRESI Training Concept, there are final concepts approved by IADO and the PRESI Drafting Team.

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