Seoul, 4 December 2024
On December 4th and 5th, 2024, IADO had a chance to attended a meeting with KADA (Korean Anti-Doping Agency). The meeting was focus on RM process and cases. However, in only tight schedule and very short time, both parties were satisfied and able to exchanged a fruitful session. The meeting was held in KADA Office, located inside Seoul Olympic Parktel, Seoul, South Korea. From IADO side, the representative included Mr. Panji (Head of Planning Bureau), Mrs. Putri Ayu Maharani (Legal Staff), Mr. Dezard Syah Rahman (IT Staff/RM Administrator), Mr. Rangga Sujud Widigda (RM Administrator), Mr. Rizky Mediantoro (Chairman of RM Committee), Mr. Damian Agata Yuvens (Member of RM Committee), and Mr. Togi Pangaribuan (BAKI/Appeal Committee). As for representative of KADA were Mr. Kim Il-Hwan (Secretary General), Mr. Myungsoo KIM (Chief Operating Officer), Mr. Cho, Junho (Legal & Investigation Manager), Mrs. Jang, Hyejin (Legal & Investigation Director), Mr. ShinHyeong Jang (Legal & Investigation Manager), and Mr. Seung-Soo Choi (Appeal Committee).
The RM process in KADA was not much different than in Indonesia as both following the same guidelines and rules, which was World Anti-Doping Code and International Standard for Result Management (ISRM). What could be found significantly different in KADA were they have their own laboratory, which allows the RM process more efficient in terms of resolution of cases. As for the cases itself, KADA has encountered more varieties of cases, including non-analytical cases. It was a good chance for IADO to learn about how they treated the non-analytical cases or reducing the sanction time for Athlete. Among the meeting, KADA also had a chance to provide information regarding their education method, where KADA has an interesting education system that allows not only Athletes and ASPs, but also students and parents to experience Anti-Doping education using Virtual Reality technology.
This meeting could be a good opportunity for NADOs to gain new insight into Anti-Doping or new discovery of ways to implement the World Anti-Doping Code and ISRM in a more effective way. Moreover, this meeting can develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between NADOs.