TUE Seminar IADO to Support  and Give Protection for Athletes

Secretary General of IADO with doctors as participant of the Seminar. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, October 15th,  2022

Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is an important aspect of anti-doping that athletes and athlete support personnel need to know and understand. TUE grants authority to participate in sport even in treatment using drugs or methods that are prohibited according to the WADA Prohibited List.

On Saturday, October 15, 2022, IADO held a Therapeutic Use Exemption seminar with the theme the importance of Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) in providing a sense of security and protection for athletes. This seminar was attended by 20 representatives of major doctors from 23 sports who were invited. In this activity, a new breakthrough in the TUE application was introduced through the IADO website, namely www.iado.id. In addition, various information regarding the TUE process such as the type of TUE, who can register for TUE, as well as an explanation of the TUE form that is currently available in bilingual (English-Indonesian) language.

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