If Steroids Are Prohibited, Why Are They Still Traded Freely?

The enthusiasm of the anti-doping socialization and education participants in Jambi. Source: IADO

Jambi, November 15th, 2022

Jambi Province had the opportunity to take its turn to host the 14th Anti-Doping Education series activity in 2022 by IADO together with KONI on November 15th, 2022 with a total of 70 participants from various sports consisting of athletes, coaches and also the medical team. In this activity there were interesting questions by the participants from the bodybuilding sport “If steroids are prohibited, why are they still being traded freely?”.

In responding to this statement, Putri Ayu Maharani as a legal team of IADO who also participated as a speaker at this activity explained from a legal perspective, where it was clearly stated that steroids are not part of narcotics.

Meanwhile, our country is a country that is subject to laws prohibiting narcotics. This can be concluded that steroids are prohibited by the prohibited list but are not included in narcotics, so they can still be traded freely.

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