IFSC Climbing Speed World Cup Jakarta 2023 Doping Supervision

IFSC Climbing Speed World Cup in Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Source: IADO

Jakarta, 7 May 2023

Indonesia through the Indonesian Climbing Federation (FPTI) was appointed to host the IFSC Climbing Speed World Cup on May 6th to 7th, 2023. That activity was held at Lot 6, Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta. The purpose of that activity was for athletes to have the opportunity to compete at the world level.

As part of fulfilling the provisions stipulated in WADA Code in particular on Article 5 related to Testing and Investigations, the international sports event must be completed by the implementation of doping supervision / doping tests with the aim of ensuring that the champions of each class contested are not indicated to have commited / consumed prohibited substances as contained in the list of prohibited substances published by WADA every year.

Based on a letter of request from the Central Board of the Indonesian Climbing Federation No. 0410 / SEK / PP. NAS/IV/2023 of April 10th, 2023 on Request for Support for the Provision of Facilities and Anti-Doping Teams for the IFSC Climbing Speed World Cup 2023 in Jakarta and accordance to the mission order, the doping tests were carried out at the event.

In the event, IADO as the Sample Collection Authority (SCA) assigned 2 DCOs and 2 Chaperons who were very experienced so that the sample collection process was conducted without any difficulty and coordination with the organizers and FPTI also went well. Then the related samples were sent by IADO to the WADA accredited anti-doping laboratory in Bangkok – Thailand.

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