Bandung, 16 August 2023
The World Anti-Doping Code is the highest doping regulation that must be complied with by its signatories, including Indonesia. Although it is well established and has been revised several times, it seems in Indonesia that rule is slightly not fully complied. Therefore, IADO still has the task of educating sports organizations on that rule. But it should be understood that even within IADO itself, the strengthening of understanding of that rule is challenged to be also improved. By conducting FGDs discussing the World Anti-Doping Code and the need for MoUs with all national federations, organized in Bandung on August 13th to 16th, 2023 had the purpose to ensure compliance. By dissecting specific articles in the World Anti-Doping Code, followed by a thorough review of the MoU that has been implemented, all IADO management gained new perspectives on the importance of sports organizations’ compliance with anti-doping regulations. Until finally FGD succeeded in issuing a PKS (Cooperation Agreement) format that has accommodated all the needs of each directorate in accordance with anti-doping rules. That PKS will later be conveyed to all national federations in order to realize the compliance of national federations with anti-doping regulations.