Denpasar, April 30th, 2023
NOC of Indonesia in corporation with ANOC (Association of National Olympic Committees) supported by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is on the ongoing process to prepare the ANOC World Beach Games 2023. The event will be organized from 5 to 12 August 2023. The sports program at Bali 2023 comprises: Aquathlon, Beach Handball, Beach Soccer, Beach Tennis, Beach Volleyball 4×4, Beach Water polo, Beach Wrestling, Individual Kata, Open Water Swimming 5km, 3×3 Basketball, Air Badminton, Surfing, Beach Sprint Rowing, and Wing Foil Racing. As part of the preparation, NOC of Indonesia as the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) conducted CdM Meeting in Bali on 29 to 30 April 2023, attended by 69 countries across the world.
CdM Meeting was also attended by IADO, represented directly by Chairman of IADO accompanied by his staff. On his presentation, Chairman of IADO provided various information relating to readiness of IADO to support the event as the Testing Authority and Sample Collection Personnel, whereas for TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) and RM (Result Management) will be handled by ANOC. Furthermore, IADO also explained that the procedure of doping control will be based on the World Anti-Doping Code and ANOC – Anti-Doping Code 2021, doping control will be held on ICT (In Competition Testing) similar with common procedure at any multi event, samples will be delivered to the WADA accredited anti-doping laboratory in Bangkok, outreach program will be held during the event and others.
On the side lines of the CdM Meeting, all of delegates had opportunities to visit a few venues which are widespread in Nusa Dua area of Bali and other areas of Bali. Such visits were not the first time, because some of them (limited persons) visited planned venues on September 2022. IADO joined the visit enabling IADO to have a real description how IADO should set up 12 DCSs (Doping Control Stations), in which each of them will consist of a waiting area, 2 processing rooms and 2 toilets. Such DCSs are accessible for related athletes and or personnel only instead of public and media.