Coordination Meeting between IADO and KONI to Continue Education Activities

Photo Session of IADO and KONI Representatives. Source: IADO

Jakarta, 12 June 2023

IADO in cooperation with KONI held a coordination meeting on anti-doping education activities on June 12th, 2023 to regions in the country. As an information, during 2022 IADO supported by KONI organized anti-doping education activities to sport communities (consisting of athletes, athlete support personnel, and medical team) from various sport programs in 15 provinces across the country. The rest will be visited this year and the coming years.

Dr. Alman Hudri, M.Pd as the Head of Education and Upgrading of KONI and dr. Lilik Sudarwati as the Head of Sport Science & Science and Technology of KONI were the representatives of the KONI to attend the meeting. IADO was represented by Natashya Marcellina Ardiany as Director of Education, Indra Bayu as Head of the Finance Bureau, Panji as Head of the Planning Bureau and Dewi Putri Susanti as Education Staff. On that activity, the Director of Education conveyed plans for the continuation of the upcoming education activities which would be carried out in 5 provinces.

Principally, KONI welcomed the continuation of the program which commenced in the middle of 2022.  Compared to the previous year, the number of provinces which would be visited is only 5, namely Aceh, Papua, Banten, East Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi. Actually, IADO would like to visit all of the provinces which have not been visited. These plannings could not be implemented due to the limited budget.  However, IADO keeps its virtual education program to balance the reduction of physical anti-doping education activities.

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