Taekwondo Commitment to Reinforce Anti-Doping Education for Taekwondo Youth Coaches

Anti-Doping Education Activity at the Training Camp for Taekwondo Youth Coaches. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 8 June 2023

Taekwondo Indonesia (PBTI) has shown its commitment to reinforced in order to ensure that Young Coaches at the Taekwondo Training Camp receive full education at the POPKI Sports Hall, Cibubur, East Jakarta on 8 June 2023.

In that activity, PBTI together with IADO represented by the Director of Education, Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, S.M, MA delivered anti-doping education materials to participants consisting of youth coaches from various regions. The speaker explained more regarding the role and responsibilities of the coach to athletes related to anti-doping. Such material was important to deliver to them, because based on the World Anti-Doping Code, coaches are categorized to Athlete Support Person, which is regulated particularly including their consequences, whose purpose is to remind them to be careful to provide meal, supplement and or any advice to their supervised athletes, which possibly might impact to violate anti-doping regulation.

In addition, the speaker also provided pre- and post-quiz where the results could describe whether the participants got a better understanding or not due to the all participants obtained better scores in the post-quiz compared to the pre-quiz. Hopefully, there will be many upcoming similar activities with other sports, in order to reach the grassroots.

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