Surabaya & Malang, 22 June – 7 July 2024
The 21st ASEAN University Games 2024 as an International Multi Event at the student level was held in Surabaya and Malang, whose participation came from 11 countries of Southeast Asia such as Brunei, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Laos, Timor Leste, Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia. The opening was held on June 25th, 2024 which was opened directly by the Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Dito Ariotedjo. Representing the Chairman of IADO, Dr. Eka Wulan Sari, MARS attended the opening of the 21st ASEAN University Games.
IADO was also present at the 21st ASEAN University Games 2024 event as the Sample Collection Authority (SCA) where the Testing Authority for this event was the Asean University Sports Council (AUSC). In addition to conducting anti-doping tests, IADO also provided anti-doping education campaigns (outreach) targeting athletes, as well as ASP. Before the event began, IADO had already started conducting chaperone training involving various university students. This aimed to increase knowledge about the world of anti-doping and introduce the world of work earlier to students, attended by 10 representatives from Surabaya State University and 10 representatives from Malang University. The Sample Collection Personnel training went well, and produced 16 Chaperones who will later assist the DCO in the sample collection process and also 4 education promoters.
IADO also held an anti-doping campaign at 3 main venues of the 21st ASEAM University Games 2024, namely the swimming venue at the KONI Jatim swimming pool, the Badminton Venue at Graha Cakrawala University of Malang, and the athletics venue at Surabaya State University. By doing a variety of deliveries, this anti-doping campaign went well, not only athletes who came to the IADO education booth, but other trainers and officials also came to this education booth.