Outreach Euphoria at 21th Asean University Games 2024

Athlete visits IADO’s booth in AUG 2024. Source: IADO.

Surabaya & Malang, 22 June – 7 July 2024

Surabaya, July 6, 2024, the 21th Asean University Games 2024 in Surabaya and Malang has already finished, IADO successfully collaborated with the Indonesian Student Sports Organizing Board (BAPOMI) by carrying out Outreach activities and doping control at the event. The total number of participants who participated in Outreach was 191 participants including Athletes, Coaches, Officials, Team Doctors and other Athlete Support Personnel. In preparation, Outreach was carried out at 3 sports venues such as Swimming (KONI East Java Swimming Pool), Badminton (Graha Cakrawala Building, State University of Malang) and Athletics (Athletic Field, Faculty of Sports Science, Surabaya State University).

In its implementation, the Education Promoter team from the IADO Education Directorate conducted an Anti-Doping Campaign by dividing into 2 teams with the method of 1 team standby at the booth and 1 team directly approaching participants. There were many unique experiences from participants from various countries in Southeast Asia, such as the country of Timor Leste where all participants who participated in the multi-event were required to complete Anti-Doping Education & Learning (ADEL) before they headed to Indonesia. This shows that increasing awareness in anti-doping must always be instilled whenever and wherever, so that it can be an example for other countries in terms of anti-doping knowledge.

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