Yogyakarta, 26 July 2024
After the success of the IADO General Meeting on March 7th to 9th, 2024 in Bandung, IADO organized the similar general meeting IADO on July 25th to 26th, 2024 in Yogyakarta. The meeting was attended by all IADO personnel, and few personnel who were unable to attend could simply attend virtually. At the meeting in Bandung, IADO discussed a review of IADO’s Articles of Association, while the meeting in Yogyakarta discussed a review of IADO’s Bylaws. It was very important to discuss changes to the IADO’s Bylaws, not only because the Bylaws is an elaboration or follow-up to the Articles of Association, but also in order to anticipate questions or requests for clarification from WADA if at any time the WADA will ask the IADO to send revised Bylaws to WADA. Such a request occurred in 2022, when IADO stated to sports stakeholders that IADO already had AD and ART. But in fact, that prompted WADA to ask IADO for clarification, because it had to be reviewed first by WADA.
Many things have been discussed which sometimes required long debates article by article of the Bylaws. That was natural, because when the Bylaws was first drafted in mid-2022, the only important target was to complete immediately it because at that time IADO was still traumatized by the WADA sanctions it had received at the beginning of 2022 and its drafting had not yet involved all IADO Management and Members. However, considering that there were still many articles that should be discussed and also considering that IADO prioritized quality rather than just fulfilling time targets, the next discussion will be held at the IADO office in the following weeks, provided that before the end of August 2024 All Bylaws discussions must be completed.