Jakarta, 23 August 2024
The Indonesian Bodybuilding and Fitness Association (PBFI) is the national federation which in the last two years has tried to show its deep concern regarding the doping issue. This is related to the condition, that in the last two PONs (National Sports Games), the number of athletes affected by doping was dominated by several bodybuilding athletes, where 6 athletes out of a total of 12 athletes affected by doping came from the bodybuilding sport in the 2016 PON. Meanwhile, in the 2021 PON, 4 of the total 5 athletes affected by doping came from the sport of bodybuilding. Consequence, based on the KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) National Conference on September 13th, 2022, the sport of bodybuilding was almost eliminated from being competed in the 2024 PON. However, PBFI was given an opportunity to organize bodybuilding competition in the 2024 PON by KONI.
PBFI has seemed not to waste that opportunity even though in reality the effort to show its commitment is only taken seriously when the time for organizing the 2024 PON is getting closer. Even though IADO initially invited IADO on September 17th, 2022 to conduct anti-doping education specifically in Jakarta, the fact was that at the National Bodybuilding Championship in December 2022 there was still an athlete who in subsequent developments was declared doping, although not because he was proven to have consumed a prohibited substance but because he violated ADRV by avoiding having samples taken. It did not include the number of athletes who were proven to have consumed prohibited substances when IADO conducted OOCT in March 2024.
Initially, PBFI took the initiative to request that all athletes who will compete in PON 2024 be sampled through the OOCT mechanism, whose budget sources were entirely from PBFI and the athletes concerned. However, IADO objected to do so, because the principles of OOCT performance should be confidential, sudden and based on data from elite athletes at IADO. Finally, the solution was through filling out the ADEL application, which is mandatory for all bodybuilding athletes from all over Indonesia who will compete during the PON in Aceh and Northern Sumatra. After completing the ADEL application process during June to August 2024, then finally there have been 89 bodybuilding athletes who have successfully completed the ADEL filling. For the information, ADEL (Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform) is a centralized platform that offers educational solutions for athletes, coaches, medical professionals, Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) practitioners, researchers and other members of the clean sports community. Initially launched in January 2018. Thus, bodybuilding is the only sport program that requires athletes to have an ADEL digital certificate to take part in PON. If not, they are not allowed to take part in matches during PON. Such regulation and requirement have been approved by the Headquarter of KONI.
Jakarta, 23 August 2024.
Chairman of IADO.
Gatot S. Dewa Broto