TUE Socialization for Contingent Team on PEPARNAS (National Paralympic Games)

Virtual education of TUE for Contingen Team on PEPARNAS. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 29 August 2024

It is already known that from October 6th to October 13th, 2024 PEPARNAS (National Paralympic Games) 2024 will be organized in Surakarta. This national sporting event will be held as a continuation tradition of the previous national sporting event, namely PON (National Sports Games), which will be organized from September 9th to 20th, 2024 in Aceh Province and Northern Sumatra Province. As it seems during PON, IADO will also participate in endorsing PEPARNAS to be successful in terms of doping control.

Based on the past experiences during PEPARNAS 2021 in Papua and also when IADO held education on TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) on November 2023 in Jakarta, the TUE Committee led by dr. Arie Sutopo, Sp.KO admitted that the perception of a number of contingent doctors and medical personnel generally in various regions was not yet fully comprehensive in understanding TUE. That was fully understandable, because KONI Regional doctors generally used to be very busy with their daily routine activities in the field of medical services, so quite a lot did not understand about TUE except for the general matters. That phenomenon is a challenge and homework for the IADO TUE Committee to be more proactive in carrying out education. Don’t let it happen that if later an athlete, who is suspected of doping, at the hearing the IADO RM (Result Management) Committee will argue that the athlete concerned has never received education about TUE.

Therefore, with the facilitation of NPC of Indonesia, on August 29th, 2024 a virtual TUE education was organized. Thar activity invited several resource persons who are very competent in the field of TUE, namely dr. Arie Sutopo, Sp.KO (Chairman of the IADO TUE Committee), dr. Mayorita P. Hutabarat, Sp.PD (TUE Committee Member), dr. Haryo Tilarso Sp.KO (Member of the RM IADO Committee) and dr. Pande Putu Agus Mahendra, M.Gizi, Sp.GK (IADO Testing Directorate Staff). That activity was attended by most of the doctors and contingent teams from various regions, who will later participate in accompanying their respective contingents during the PEPARNAS event in Surakarta.

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