PRESI’s Spirit for Clean Sport

Various sessions of establishing PRESI of IADO. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 31 August 2024

On August 26th on 31st , 2024, a Training of Trainers for Educational Presenters (PRESI) was held. For the information, PRESI was formed through the cold hands of experts in the field of training and sports, in which those are popular names such as Prof. Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu, M.Pd; Prof. Dr. dr. Hardhono Susanto, PAK; Dr. Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis Penggalih, S.Gz., M.P.H., RD; Prof. Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M.Si; Dr. Donny Ardy Kusuma, S.Pd, M.Kes; Dr. Rizky Patria Nevangga, M.Or. The PRESI Drafting Team was formed on May 27th, 2023, and conducted a Phase I Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on November 20th to 22nd, 2023 which discussed the importance of Anti-Doping educators in Indonesia to spread Anti-Doping education, and establish the drafting team. On February 5th to 7th, 2024 PRESI Phase II FGD was held which discussed the qualifications and curriculum of PRESI.

Furthermore, the Phase III PRESI FGD established the PRESI curriculum, materials and training concept. Until finally the PRESI training was held on August 26th to 31st, 2024, which consisted of 39 lesson hours (45 minutes / lesson hours) which were divided into 4 days, while the methods used included Theory, Simulation, Independent, and Case Studies. The PRESI Training Commission, Prof. Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M. Si carried out the training assessment including Theory, Micro Teaching, Practical (Case Study). Before the participants officially took part in the PRESI training, they were asked to work on and summarize the Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform course, with the title National-Level Athlete, as a provision and description of the participants who would take part in the training in Jakarta. In its implementation, on the first day, IADO provided examples of presenting material starting with the style of delivering seminars to sports administrators, the style of delivering seminars to minor athletes, and the style of delivery to professional athletes.

On the second day of PRESI Training of Trainers, the participants did micro teaching, with random topics related to Anti-Doping which on the previous day they were given material. Furthermore, on the third day was the assessment for the case study, the topic for the case study question was randomized. The participants displayed their expertise in answering the cases given by some who did case studies with the role-play method, as well as discussions. On the fourth day, the directorate of education conveyed work procedures, and announced 12 names of participants who succeeded in becoming PRESI, namely dr. Agustievie Albert Jefta Telew (North Sulawesi), Marhadi (Central Sulawesi), Muhammad Labin Siena Ar Rasyid (East Java), Natalia Desy Putriningtyas (Central Java), Masaji Dirgnatara (East Java), dr. Merryana Seputri (Banten), Rizki Hazazi Ali (West Kalimantan), Kurnia Mar’atus Solichah (DIY), Hadi Wihardja OLY (Jakarta), Vicktor Henry Rony Apituley (Maluku), dr. Ferdinandus Adri Pradhana (Papua) and Suandi Selian (Aceh). The activity ended with a Press Conference attended by the PRESI Compilation Team and Representatives of the Assistant Deputy for Sports Personnel. At the opening of the Press Conference Mr. Gatot S Dewa Broto as Chairman of IADO as well as Patron of the PRESI Drafting Team, said that PRESI is a new product and is the first in Southeast Asia, which can be a good start for better clean sports in Southeast Asia.

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