Anti-Doping Education Session in Palangkaraya

View of anti-doping education in Palangkaraya. Source: IADO.

Palangkaraya, 17 October 2024

On October 17th, 2024, an Anti-Doping Socialization and Education Activity was carried out in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. A total of 72 active participants took part in the activity, which was carried out in collaboration between IADO and Central KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia). Anti-Doping Socialization and Education in Palangkaraya was the opening of a continuing series of regional education which was previously carried out in 2023. The event began with introductory material about achievements without doping presented by a speaker from KONI Dr Lilik Sudarwati A, S., Psi, MH. The following presentation was an overview of IADO provided by Mr. Panji S.P as the Head of the IADO Planning Bureau. It was then continued with the main material, namely anti-doping educational material presented by IADO education staff Miss. Devi Sagita and PRESI colleagues who were doctors and Olympians, namely Dr Merryana Seputri and Ir Hadi Wihardja OLY.

When presenting the education, few participants asked what substances were included in the Prohibited List. In addition, questions were also related to doping sanctions and Results Management. One of the questions raised was whether methamphetamine is doping or not. Responding to that question, Dr Merryana Seputri immediately opened the Prohibited List and found that methamphetamine was a prohibited substance, even it was more specifically included in the S6 Stimulant. Furthermore, another question related to whether athletes who do not know that the food / drink he / she eat / drink was regarded as doping would have possibilities to receive sanctions relief. Responding to that, Miss. Devi Sagita as IADO Education staff said that, if the reason was only because the athlete does not know whether he / she food/drink used by the athlete is doping or not, then that could not be a reason for reducing sanctions, because it is related to the basic principles of Strict Liability which means absolute responsibility. This meant that whatever the athlete consumes and uses would be the athlete’s responsibility regardless of the intent and purpose of the athlete using prohibited substances. After receiving anti-doping educational material, participants were then invited to activate their ADEL (Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform) account, whose aim was that both athletes and ASPs could learn more about anti-doping. Then the event was closed with the distribution of certificates by the Head of the IADO Planning Bureau.

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