Ambon, 30 October 2024
Anti-Doping outreach and education continues. Maluku is one of the provinces having had the opportunity in 2024 to carry out that activity. In collaboration with Central KONI, (National Sports Committee of Indonesia), KONI Office of the Maluku Province and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, IADO provided anti-doping information and education for athletes and athlete support personnel in the Maluku Province. That activity took place on October 30th, 2024 and was opened directly by the Chairman of KONI Office of Maluku Province Mr. Roy Jerico Mongie, M.Si. He said that providing information related to anti-doping is very much needed for athletes and coaches in the Maluku Province to enable references for any competitions at both regional and national levels.
This anti-doping outreach and education was carried out by providing several materials to participants from the Maluku province. The first material was delivered by Lt. Col. Kes (Ret.) Drs. Irfan Bachtiar as a representative from the Central KONI. Then the following material was delivered by the Acting IADO Secretary General Mr. Indra Bayu delivering an Anti-Doping Overview and the final session provided related to anti-doping educational material delivered by Education Staff Mrs. Dewi Putri Susanti in cooperation with 2 Education Presenters (PRESI) on duty: Mrs. Natalia Desy Putriningtyas who came from Central Java and Mr. Vicktor Henry Rony Apituley from Maluku.
In the Q & A session with the presenters, the participants were very enthusiastic, causing so many questions to be asked by them. One of the participant’s questions was related to athletes’ ignorance of what they have consumed, namely if an athlete has been regarded to be involved in a doping case because he / she did not have any intention or did not know it turned out that the drug or supplement he / she consumed containing an ingredient on the list of prohibited substances, would he / she still be subject to any sanction? or what? That question was answered by Mr. Indra Bayu, stating that the related athlete would still be given any sanctions, because basically according the World Anti-Doping Code, any athlete must comply with the principle of absolute responsibility or strict liability, meaning that athlete is fully responsible for what he / she has consumed, including food, drinks, medicine and even any supporting supplements. At the end of the event, the Chairman of KONI of the Maluku Province appreciated the Anti-Doping Socialization activities in the Maluku Province through the collaboration of IADO, Central KONI and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, so it is hoped that there should be more activities like this because these are very beneficial for the development of sports in the Maluku Province.