Yogyakarta, November 4th, 2022
In early November 2022, Yogyakarta had its turn for anti-doping education series by IADO in cooperation with KONI on November 4th, 2022, with 67 participants from various sports consisting of athletes, coaches, and administrators as well as doctors. In this activity, one participant asked a question: “What are our steps as coaches in the context of preventing doping?” Responding to this question, Director of Education of IADO, Natashya Marcellina Ardiany explained the importance of collaboration between athletes and all athlete support personnel.
In this case, what is meant by coaches is that they can monitor what athletes consume and always communicate, and not only stop there, but the coach must also collaborate with the medical team or doctors in order to check what the athletes have consumed.
From such discussion, it came to the conclusion that there is a need for collaboration in preventing doping between athletes and their internal personal team such as coaches, assistances to coach, medical persons and of course their manager to communicate each other.