Anti-Doping Education for Athletic Coaches in Indonesia

Director of Education IADO delivered anti-doping education at the National Coaching Clinic for Athletic Coaches 2023. Source: IADO

Solo, 24 June 2023

Athletics Federation of Indonesia (PASI) on June 24th, 2023 held the 2023 Athletics National Championship (U-18, U-20 and Senior) in which that kind of the National Championship used to be organized regularly since 1978, whereas on 2023 was held in Solo. It was hoped that PASI in that event could find new raising star and any form of effort in improving the achievements of athletic athletes in Indonesia. In addition, during the event PASI also coaching clinic for athletic coaches, attended by 79 participants from all over Indonesia. At the coaching clinic was also delivered an anti-doping education, represented by Natashya Marcellina Ardiany, S.Pd, S.M, MA as Director of Education in IADO.

The Director of Education shared more about clean sporting values ​​and an explanation of anti-doping rule violations, in which ASP (Athlete Support Personnel) can also receive doping sanctions. Furthermore, she shared explanation of the roles and responsibilities of ASPs, especially coaches in the anti-doping context.

Sharing information on anti-doping contents for ASP of any sport programs are very important, because they play an important role due to various competency and supports provided by ASP such as how to enhance the performance, to overcome any competitors, to set up strategy and other preparation. On the other hand, any possible tricky ASP could have the opportunity to probably use any various option to enhance their athlete’s performances including to use prohibited substances. Such problems could occur everywhere, in which an athlete does not want to use any prohibited substances, but his / her coach probably has his / her private interest to increase the performance. If it occurs, a kind of sanction could be imposed on anyone from ASP.

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