Doping Control on the National Athletics Championship of U-18, U-20 and Senior Level

Athletics venue for the 2023 National Athletics Championship of U-18, U-20 and Senior Level in Solo. Source: IADO

Solo, 26 June 2023

IADO was assigned by PASI (Athletics Federation of Indonesia) to do doping control on the National Athletic Championship of U-18, U-20 and Senior level, conducted at the Sriwedari Stadium of Solo on June 20th to 26th, 2023.  The event is a routine annual agenda of the National Federation and used to find any talented junior athlete in Indonesia. At that event, IADO had an opportunity to be Testing Authority (TA) and appointed 3 DCOs and 2 Chaperones to implement doping control at that annual prestigious event based on International Standard for Testing and Investigation (ISTI).

In addition, doping control activities at that event were efforts to collect samples relating to their right and obligation. DCOs and Chaperones of IADO completed their duties very well in particular to collect samples according to Testing Order instructed by IADO due to the very good coordination between IADO and PASI. It was not the first time IADO to have cooperation with PASI. Both sides wish the similar cooperation could be continued to the other next events including doping control not on the event (OOCT), whose purpose is to keep the image of athletics sport program as one of the consistent clean sport programs.

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