Personal Information Collection and Speak Up Socialization Activities at the Training Center of Sepak Takraw in Sukabumi

Activities of Directorate for Investigation and Intelligence at the Sepak Takraw in Sukabumi. Source: IADO.

Sukabumi, 6 September 2023

At the beginning of September 2023, the IADO Intelligence and Investigation Directorate carried out one of its duties in obtaining personal information from international and national athletes who are in the TP (Testing Pool) and RTP (Registered Testing Pool). Such activities were to support the preparation of the TDP (Test Distribution Plan) by IADO Testing Directorate. In that regard, on September 6th, 2023, the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation had the opportunity to visit Indonesia’s proud athletes at the Sepak Takraw National Training Center at GOR Icuk Sugiarto, Sukabumi. The visit was welcomed friendly by the Chairman of the Indonesian Sepak Takraw Association (PSTI), Mr. H. Asnawi Abdul Rahman, accompanied by a number of coaches and officials, as well as the Sepak Takraw National Training athletes. That activity was considered special because it was held in the evening after dinner, where in the afternoon the Athletes have finished training with the Sepak Takraw Athletes from Thailand, so they could relax while getting socialization followed by discussions and sharing about the purpose of collecting athletes’ personal data and the existence of the Speak Up platform. IADO always confirms to support the national Anti-Doping movement to create Clean Sport, Play True and Fair Play at every sporting event.

The enthusiasm of athletes and ASPs at the National Sepak Takraw National Training Center was described by the many questions raised regarding anti-doping activities, especially regarding ADRV and the Prohibited List issued by WADA every year. Even athletes had the opportunity to access the IADO website which also contains information about the Prohibited List, ADRV, TUE, IADO activities, IADO’s Speak Up channel, and so on. So as many as 24 athletes (12 men, 12 women) and 6 ASPs joined in that activity.

In the future, the IADO Intelligence and Investigation Team will still carry out activities to collect athlete personal data and socialize the IADO Speak Up platform to several other national federations, both Olympic and non-Olympic, so it is hoped that the results of collecting athlete personal data can support the Testing Directorate in determining TDP (Test Distribution Plan) which is proportional to the assessment carried out. On the other hand, that activity was also a form of communication to establish and increase intimacy between IADO and all national sports stakeholders, including national federations, especially in joint efforts to monitor doping abuse in the world of national and international sports.

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