Collaboration of Anti-Doping Education in Central Sulawesi

Collaboratioon of Anti-Doping Education in Palu. Source: IADO.

Palu, 12 September 2023

IADO in cooperation with KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia conducted an anti-doping socialization and education in the city of Palu, located in Central Sulawesi. The activity was opened by the Chairman of the Central Sulawesi KONI M. Nizar Rahmatu SSos AIFO, who in his remarks fully supported anti-doping socialization and education activities to other regions instead of Java. He also appealed to all of athletes from Central Sulawesi not to be trapped with the momentary happiness of doping, because it can have consequences not only for athletes but also for their regions. Anti-Doping Socialization and Education Activities in Central Sulawesi Province were attended by 70 participants, consisting of Pre PON 2024 athletes, coaches, administrators, and medical teams.

The speakers who were presented at the anti-doping socialization and education activities were the Deputy Chairperson of the KONI Sport Science & Technology Dr. E. Taru Guritna, M.Si and the Deputy Chairperson of the KONI Budget Plan Division Drs. Twisyono MM, whose presentation relating to “Sports Achievement Development Without Doping” in which KONI also promoted sports without doping. In addition, there was also a presentation by a representative from the Ministry of Youth ans Sports Mr. Suryo Agung S. Pd, M.Pd as a Chief of the Ministry Sports Personnel Competency Certification Division, presenting “The Role of the Government in Anti-Doping.” Such topic had relations with the Act of No. 11 of 2022 stating among others that the government’s role in anti-doping is conducted through funding and prevention. The speakers from IADO were Brigadier General Suharyanto (Director of IADO Intelligence and Investigation) presenting “IADO Anti-Doping Overview”, and Ms. Natashya Marcelina, S.Pd., SM, MA (Director of IADO Education) presenting another topic more deeply related to anti-doping, consisting of clean sports, anti-doping violations, sampling procedures, the dangers of doping for health and athlete’s career continuity, and tips for avoiding doping with the Food First approach.

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