Jakarta, July 5th, 2022
As part of the real commitments of IADO to comply with World Anti-Doping Code, IADO is strongly recommended to have a Memorandum of Understanding with significant sports organization such as National Sports Committee of Indonesia, National Olympic Committee of Indonesia, and National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia. The purpose of MoU does not only encourage the related committee to request athletes and athlete support persons to comply with the Code, but they have to ensure that all of the sports events they should handle with all sport federations to organize have to be fair without any prohibited substances and or behaviors.
The first step was to have a cooperation with the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) to sign the MoU on July 5th, 2022. The Chairman of KONI Lieutenant General (retired) Mr. Marciano Norman and the the Chairman of IADO signed the document of MoU at the office of KONI. The next step should be prepared by IADO is at least with both National Olympic Committee of Indonesia (KOI) and National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia (NPC).