Jakarta, November 27th, 2022
If there will be no change, an official representing WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and the Director General of SEARADO (South East Asia Regional Anti-Doping Organization) are confirmed to visit Jakarta next week. Their visit will be very special, for they are officially invited by IADO to attend the National Anti-Doping Forum, held on November 30th, 2022 at the Sultan Hotel of Jakarta. But why should IADO invite them? It is a common question in which anyone is anxious to know, because most of people of Indonesia probably still remember the matters occurred approximately a year ago, when Indonesia through LADI (Lembaga Anti-Doping Indonesia) was suspended by WADA due to non-compliance to the World Anti-Doping Code. Most of the people including the President Jokowi felt surprised, because among others it impacted to the victory session of the Thomas Cup ceremony, in which the organizing ceremony was prohibited to raise the Indonesian national flag.
For information, after the sanction was revoked on the beginning of February 2022, LADI was replaced in its duties and function by IADO. Furthermore, IADO tried to reform itself in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code and used to consult to both WADA and SEARADO as well as other National Anti-Doping Organizations, whose purposes were not only to repair the performance of the organization, but it tried to work hard to catch up compared to others in the surrounding area. On such development, the contribution of WADA and SEARADO has played an important role to advice, recommending and sometimes providing critical comments to IADO. That is the reason that WADA and SEARADO are invited to the special forum which officially will be opened by the Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Zainudin Amali. Hopefully, both WADA and SEARADO will identify, map and recommend what IADO should do on the current and following years, because they knew that Indonesia will host FIFA World Cup U-20, FIBA World Cup (co-host with the Philippines and Japan) and ANOC World Beach Games. In addition, Indonesia will take part on several international events such as Asian Games and Asian Para Games in China, SEA Games and ASEAN Para Games in Cambodia and others.
The present of WADA and SEARADO is also intended to remind all national sports stakeholders in Indonesia how important anti-doping is now over the world. Accordingly, they will endorse them that anti-doping activities should also be the responsibility of all stakeholders’ even though IADO is the only national anti-doping organization recognized by WADA and the Law of No. 11 of 2022 on Sports. WADA and SEARADO will even remind all stakeholders that IADO will be audited by WADA Team next year. The purpose of the audit is to ensure whether IADO is regarded to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code or not. IADO will be audited and investigated on its regulation, sufficient budget from the government, sufficient human sources, education activities to all national federations, testing method and procedures both ICT (in competition testing) or OOCT (out of competition testing), implementation of its ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration and Management System) connected directly to WADA, communication with any WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratory, competency of DCO (Doping Control Officer) and others. Due to the preparation of an audit by WADA, JADA (Japan Anti-Doping Agency) last week visited IADO on 3 working days to supervise how to handle and anticipate the audit. As a result, IADO has to work hard to invite all stakeholders to understand the essence of the anti-doping movement.
Jakarta, November 27th, 2022
Chairman of IADO,
Gatot S. Dewa Broto