First Anti-Doping Education Activity on 2023 for Indonesian Pencak Silat Athletes

Anti-Doping Education Activities with Indonesian Pencak Silat Athletes. Source: IADO

Jakarta, February 9th, 2023

For the first time in 2023, IADO held an anti-doping education activity on February 9th, 2023 at Padepokan Pencak Silat, TMII, Jakarta. There were 12 athletes participating in that activity. The aim of that activity was to increase athlete awareness in order to become ethical, responsible, proactive participants in clean sports, which is in line with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in prioritizing anti-doping education. However, in that activity, IADO discussed more specific educational material, in particular the importance of athletes using and filling in applications regarding their whereabouts.

Therefore, IADO did not only assign officials and staff from the Directorate of Education, but it also assigned officials and staff from the Directorate of Testing, whose purpose was to provide detailed information on whereabouts. Furthermore, from the results of the activity evaluation it was found that the majority of participants were very satisfied and agreed that this activity was very important. The rest of the purpose of anti-doping education was as an athlete’s first experience before taking samples or testing doping samples.

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