Cross-Sector Meeting as Preparation for the Anti-Doping Oversight Program at PON XXI 2024

Cross-Sector Meeting as Preparation for PON XXI 2024. Source: IADO

Medan, April 14th, 2023

Indonesia as one of the largest countries with a mounting number of athletes has many various sports events, both single and multi-events. As one of the multi-national events, the National Sports Games (PON) is an event that is routinely held. After going through a series of anti-doping program activities including the IADO 2022 Grand Seminar, there has been increased awareness of the importance of sports without doping.

This is the spirit for the hosts of the 2024 PON XXI which will be held in North Sumatra and Aceh to ensure the it is clean from doping. For such preparation, the host organized a meeting on April 12th to 14th, 2023 in Medan attended by 20 government institutions from various fields in North Sumatra and also IADO.

Various strategic plans were prepared at that meeting, from a medical perspective, facilities and infrastructure, security, transportation, budget and anti-doping control program were discussed and prepared. One of IADO’s mandatory programs is proposing the prerequisites for an ADEL certificate for PON participants and this was welcomed by the host. This is in line with the requirement to have an ADEL certificate for participants in the 2023 Asian Games and 2023 SEA Games…

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