Plenary Meeting Prior to Long Holiday of Iedul Fitri of 1444 H (2023)

Plenary meeting of IADO prior to Iedul Fitri of 1444 H. Source: IADO

Jakarta, April 17th, 2023

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia last year officially announced the list of national holidays for 2023, including a long holiday of Iedul Fitri of 1444 H (2023). Its holiday will start on April 19th to April 25th, 2023. Consequently, IADO should obey the government policy to allow all the personnel of IADO to enjoy the long holiday, especially for those personnel having fasted and to enjoy the Fest after one month of Ramadhan, the fasting month. However, for those who are not Muslim, they are also allowed to have a long holiday, because this holiday does not distinguish between Muslim or non-Muslim persons.

Prior to the holiday, IADO conducted a plenary meeting on April 17th, 2023 at IADO Office. Lis of meeting agenda consisted of Q-1 reports from all Directorates, progress report of ADEL and Whereabouts session for SEA Games Preparation, progress report of AD-Logic questioner of UNESCO, preparation for the nearest activities for ICT and OOCT, preparation for ANOC World Beach Games, preparation for being audited by WADA Team, office room arrangement during the visit of WADA Audit Team, preparation for long holiday, and it is mandatory to go to office on April 26th, 2023 to have to make preparation prior to the visit of WADA Audit Team.

Based on the meeting, IADO committed to execute all of the planned activities. Even though long holiday, IADO keeps its internal and external coordination, because there are lots urgent matters which should be coordinated including the continuation of ADEL and Whereabouts session to meet the requirement of athlete’s dispatch to SEA Games, and preparation for being audited by WADA Team. In addition, IADO has reminded each other to secure all of the important documents during the holiday.

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