Possibility to Deal with The Employment Social Security Administration or BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan

Photo gathering of IADO and representatives of Jamsostek Ketenaga Kerjaan after the meeting. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 23 May 2023.

The Employment Social Security Administration or BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan is a substitute for PT Jamsostek (Persero). Its job is to provide social security protection for Indonesian workers, both formal and informal workers. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has four social security programs, namely Work Accident Security (JKK), Death Security (JKm), Old Age Security (JHT) and Pension Security (JP). Each of them has a different function. For the purpose of opportunity to deal a cooperation with BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan, IADO received an audience of the representative of the head quarter of BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan at IADO office on May 23rd, 2023. It is not the first time for BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan to have a cooperation with any institution responsible for sports activity, because prior to the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang, BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan signed a MoU with INASGOC (Indonesia Asian Games Organizing Committee) to ensure the protection for any athlete and officials as well as organizing committee during the Games. After the Games, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia followed to have an agreement with BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan, whose purpose was to provide social protection of certain, elite international athlete to be assigned to represent Indonesia on any international sports events. Currently, KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) signed an agreement for the same purpose on September 12th, 2022.

IADO has the reason to possibly deal with an agreement with BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan based on various background. The protection should be strongly recommended for those working as DCOs (Doping Control Office) on their assignment of both ICT (In Competition Testing) and OOCT (Out of Competition Testing) and of course for persons working at IADO office. For DCOs themselves, protection from BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan is very important, because even thought they might be already protected by their own employment social security from their own office, such employment social security could not automatically be used for their duties as DCO. Their duties do not need specific competency, but they sometimes suddenly have to go to any remote area to collect samples for OOCT dominated by various challenges. IADO actually put therefore this need very urgent. The main consideration is however that IADO should ensure the continuation of availability of the budget and they are classified as non-waged workers from IADO except their salary for their certain assignment. It is better for IADO to anticipate properly to avoid any undesirable incident.

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