IADO Opportunity to get the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sports from UNESCO

UNESCO Has Commitment to Eliminate Doping in Sport. Source: UNESCO.

Jakarta, 26 May 2023

On May 26th, 2023, IADO received guests from the Representative Office of UNESCO in Jakarta, led by Madame Undral Ganbaatar, who is presently head of Social and Human Sciences programming at UNESCO Jakarta office for Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Timor Leste. Guests from UNESCO were also accompanied by Madame Grace Hull and Madame Meyda Nento. On the other side, IADO was represented directly by Chairman, Secretary General, Head of Planning Bureau, Head of Finance Bureau and Director of Education as well as staff of IADO. 

On that second occasion (the first occasion was on a virtual meeting), Madame Grace presented the essence of the fund provided by UNESCO, which was established in 2008, whose program is called the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport. By providing practical and technical support, the Fund has three priorities: education projects focusing on youth and sport organizations, policy advice, and mentoring and capacity-building.  Since 2008, financial assistance has been provided to 218 national and regional projects all over the world, translating into more than $4.2 millions of investment in 108 countries.

For IADO, such a fund would be very important and beneficial, because IADO still needs more budget to operate its daily activities even thought to have been provided by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Furthermore, based on the Law of No. 11 of 2022 on Sports, in particular on Article 98 of point (4) it is clear to state among others that the financial sources could be derived from other sources provided that there is no certain consequences. The involvement of UNESCO plays an important role, because the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the governments (nearly 100 countries, which is now ratified by 191 States Parties) signing the International Convention against doping in Sport on October 19th, 2005, which then entered into force on February 1st, 2007. The Convention helps to harmonize anti-doping legislation, guidelines, regulations, and rules internationally in order to provide a fair and equitable playing environment for all athletes. 

It is now the time for IADO to utilize opportunity provided by UNESCO, whereas its surrounding countries such as Thailand. Malaysia and Singapore have taken it on the year on 2014 and 2015 which each sum of fund was exactly US$ 19.000 for each country. IADO itself has decided to take the opportunity, especially to empower certain activities on anti-doping education in line with one of the main functions of UNESCO to support education in various areas across the world. Hopefully within weeks, IADO could submit the proposal immediately to UNESCO in order that UNESCO will evaluate and identify IADO’s proposal.

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