Indonesian Aquatic Festival 2023

Venue of Indonesian Aquatic Festival 2023. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 13 June 2023

The Executive Board of the Indonesian Swimming Association (PB PRSI) held an Aquatic National Championship (Kejurnas) entitled “Indonesian Aquatic Festival 2023” and collaborated with the Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) to conduct a doping surveillance in the championship. 4 Doping Control Officers (DCO) and 4 Chaperones have been appointed to conduct the doping surveillance on June 10th to 13th, 2023 at the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Aquatic Stadium, Senayan Jakarta.

The doping supervision at the National Championship which was also a qualification for the XXI National Sports Games (PON) successfully carried out in accordance with the Testing Order that had been issued by collecting 14 samples and conducting a doping surveillance in several aquatic sports disciplines.

IADO highly appreciates PRSI’s steps to conduct doping surveillance and screening by including IADO in this National Work. IADO agrees and supports zero doping at the XXI PON event. Good cooperation between IADO and PRSI through such activity is actually a part of the follow ups of the MoU signed by both parties on February 20th, 2023 in Jakarta. The same good cooperation has also occurred with other national sport organizations engaged on the MoUs or without MoU. However, it would be preferable to have good cooperation with IADO, if it would have been engaged on a MoU, because it is strongly recommended by WADA.

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