Gathering of Athlete Personal Information Session with PERBAKIN (Indonesian Shooting Association)

Class interaction of athlete private information by Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation of IADO with PERBAKIN. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 24 July 2023

IADO as the Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization always strives to be consistent in carrying out any doping monitoring as a form of commitment to the implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code. One of these efforts was done on Monday 24th, July 2023, when the IADO Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation had the opportunity to visit PERBAKIN (Indonesian Shooting Association) on Jl. Gelora No.1 Senayan, Jakarta. That was a continuation to the previous IADO SpeakUp Socialization program and Guidelines for the Protection of Athletes’ Personal Information, mandated by WADA, referring to the Code and the International Standard Protection of Privacy and Personal Information. With the implementation of that agenda, it is hoped that athletes, ASPs and the general public will become more familiar with the IADO Speak Up platform whose function is to capture and receive any information from the public and all national sports stakeholders regarding the potential for doping abuse in the world of sports. Any information included in the IADO Speak Up platform will be verified, validated, deepened, and investigated so that actual information can be obtained for sporting purposes.
Quoting the language and slogan of WADA’s Director of Intelligence and Investigations, Mr. Gunter Younger, the true anti-doping hero is a doping violation reporter, enabling IADO’s enthusiasm and inspiration in promoting Speak Up as well as speaking up IADO to guard national sports achievements which are Fair Play and Clean Sport.
That agenda was also an implementation of WADA’s findings when conducting an audit at the IADO office, on April 27th and 28th, 2023, in which one of WADA’s points and attention was to encourage IADO to raise the Speak Up Platform and to socialize the importance of protecting athlete’s personal data. In this regard, IADO realizes that information about athletes’ personal data is absolutely necessary in order to compile a TDP (Test Distribution Plan) by the Testing Directorate to be reported to WADA. On the other hand, data from athletes must however be guaranteed security and confidentiality, so this must be known and understood by athletes and ASPs (Athlete Support Personnel) and related stakeholders. That activity will continue until IADO has all data on Indonesian athletes.

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