Collaboration of IADO, KONI and the Ministry on Anti-Doping Education in the Easternmost Province of Indonesia

Session of presentation by Secretary General of IADO in Jayapura. Source: IADO.

Jayapura, 19 September 2023

IADO in cooperation with sports KONI and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia carried out anti-doping education activities in Jayapura (the capital city of Papua) on September 19th, 2023. IADO discussed anti-doping education including banned substances, the dangers of doping, the consequences of doping, the 11 items of anti-doping rule violations, and the submission of TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption). Meanwhile, KONI discussed “The Development of Sports Achievement without Doping” and the Ministry discussed “The Role of the Government in Anti-Doping”. This year’s activities have been carried out in 4 regions Aceh, Banten, Central Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and ended by the Socialization and Education activities in Papua. The speakers from IADO are dr. Eka Wulan Sari, MARS as Secretary General of IADO, and Natashya Marcellina, S.Pd., SM, MA as Education Director of IADO, Markus Othniel Mamahit SH as Deputy Secretary General of KONI Pusat, Drs. Jenal Aripin, M.Pd as the person in charge of the Development of the Achievement Sports Center.

A total of 81 participants attended the activity in Jayapura. The activity went well and participants were active in raising questions about the native habits of drinking herbal medicine, because in reality not all herbal medicine is free from doping so IADO advised athletes and coaches to consume only real food and drinks and not add supplements, drugs or herbs whose content cannot be supervised by the medical team. Another question related to food safety in Aceh as the host of PON 2024 (National Sports Games). Responding that question, the IADO Education Director stated that KONI of Aceh Province has ensured that the food provided by the PON Organizing Committe which also collaborates with the KONI Aceh medical team will sort out doping-free ingredients and spices for athletes’ consumption.

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