Jakarta, 25 September 2023
IADO through the IADO Education Directorate and KNIU ((Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO) continues to show its commitment to increase wider awareness of anti-doping, in order to make anti-doping education have a sustainable effect starting from the schools. For keeping such commitment of both sides, KNIU invited IADO to have a discussion, held on September 25th, 2023 at the conference room of the KNIU of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia. At that discussion, IADO introduced the anti-doping education program to be one of the programs which is also implemented KNIU, which is in line with one of UNESCO’s programs: Sport Values in Every Classroom, which carries 3 core values, consisting of Equity, Inclusion, and Respect. The latter mission is to keep the values of respect, equality and inclusion to children through engaging activities.
In addition, there is also the VETS (Values Education Through Sport) education program which supports active learning, complements cognitive skills and gives students greater responsibility, as well as increasing students’ concentration and participation levels. The VETS program enables students to transfer and put values into action outside the school environment, by getting involved in their community, making informed decisions, being sensitive and respectful of others and the environment. VETS contributes to the development of self-confidence, active and healthy lifestyle choices, and an understanding of rights, supporting the difficult transition to independence in adulthood, the VETS program is in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4, quality education.
As a response to the presentation provided by IADO, the Daily Chairman of KNIU Dr. Itje Chodidjah, M.A said that KNIU is very pleased for the idea of educational materials and will follow up to translate the Sport Values in Every Classroom document to Indonesian, in which the document comes from UNESCO and will be further reported to the curriculum development section by the directorate of teachers at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Republic of Indonesia which is expected to be included in PE materials in schools.