MoU between IPSI and IADO on Anti-Doping Activities

Signing the MoU of IADO and IPSI respresented by both Secretary Generals. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 12 October 2023

The Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (PB IPSI) signed a MoU related to Anti-Doping Activities with the Indonesia Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) on October 12th, 2023. On that occasion, Dr. Ir. Teddy Suratmadji, M.Sc, as Secretary General of IPSI, was present and represented PB IPSI at the signing of that MoU. Meanwhile, IADO was represented by the Secretary General, dr. Eka Wulan Sari, MARS.

PB IPSI became the 21st sport organization that officially collaborated with IADO in terms of anti-doping activities, after several other sports, including 3 National Sports Committees, namely NOC of Indonesia, KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) and NPC of Indonesia. The sports that have signed the MoU with IADO are: PBWI, FPTI, PODSI, PERPANI, PERSANI, PABSI, PASI, PRSI, ISSI, PSSI, PBVSI, PERBASI, PBFI, PERSAMBI, PRUI, PERBASASI, and PORLASI.

IADO highly appreciated PB IPSI for being responsive to the dynamics of anti-doping developments and always complies with anti-doping regulations set by WADA. With the signing of this MoU, IADO hopes that the good relationship between PB IPSI and IADO will always be maintained by continuing to provide anti-doping education to all IPSI athletes and always providing the latest information regarding WADA regulations so that there are no obstacles in doping control within PB IPSI.

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