Certification for 3 Blood Collection Officers (BCOs)

BCO needs specific requirements to implement his / her duties. Source: Sport Integrity, 2023.

Jakarta, 18 October 2023

IADO successfully held a certification for 3 new Blood Collection Officers (BCOs) on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at the IADO Office, Jakarta. That certification was indeed a very important activity due to the limited number of BCOs, belonging to IADO. That BCO certification activity cannot be followed by any common person. To become a BCO, a person must have experience as an active health practitioner and / or laboratory analyst, who frequently performs to collect blood samples. In addition, he / she has to have a license to practice, and have a valid Phlebotomy certification.

That activity was officially opened by the Chairman of IADO, then continued with a general presentation about Sample Collection Personnel (SCP), especially the terms and conditions of becoming a BCO, Athlete Blood Passport (ABP), and the importance of collecting blood samples delivered by the IADO Director of Testing, Dra. Linda Rosalina, Apt, M.Si. Furthermore, dr. Pande Putu Agus Mahendra, M.Gizi, SpGK AIFO-K CISSN FACSM gave a presentation regarding the technical collection of athlete blood samples. After being fully introduced to the material related to BCO and blood sample collection, new BCOs must also pass theoretical and practical exams. They have also had competence in the ethics of effective communication with athletes and the method of collecting blood in accordance with standards with direct supervision from the Director of Testing and her team.

The entire series of BCO Certification activities went smoothly. IADO hopes that with the BCO certification, it will not only increase the number of SCPs of BCO for IADO, but also improve the quality of BCOs owned by IADO, because sample collection does not only occur on urine sample, but in some cases, it also occurs on blood sample.

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