Bogor, 23 October 2023
IADO’s successful effort in carrying out MOUs / collaborations with various National Federations that are members of NOC has proven that the Indonesian Anti-Doping Organization (IADO) will continue to strengthen its performance in doping control. On October 23rd, 2023 at the Bogor Valley Hotel, Bogor, West Java, it was the first time to witness the first visit set up by IADO to the Sambo National Federation (PERSAMBI). That activity had the main agenda of socializing anti-doping in the world of sports as well as providing information about the IADO SpeakUp platform after the signing of the MOU between IADO and PERSAMBI. That visit has confirmed a strong commitment to ensuring that Indonesian sports stands firm in integrity and ethics. Athletes and administrators from PERSAMBI were present with high enthusiasm to hear and understand more deeply about anti-doping and procedures for reporting doping violations.
For an information, the signing of the MOU between the Chairman of IADO Mr. Gatot S. Dewa Broto and Chairman of PERSAMBI Mr Krisna Bayu signed on October 9th, 2023 was an important milestone in close cooperation in promoting anti-doping among athletes and Sambo National Federation Management. Through that MOU, PERSAMBI agreed to support the anti-doping program and implement it seriously in order to create Play True and Clean Sport. During that valuable visit, the IADO Education Team and I&I Team enthusiastically and enthusiastically provided material and answers to various questions asked. All participants in the training were reminded of the importance of maintaining sports integrity, avoiding the use of doping, and making positive contributions in developing a clean sports culture. Anti-doping outreach and the introduction of the IADO SpeakUp platform were concrete steps to create a clean and fair sports environment.
The IADO SpeakUp platform provides a means for athletes and all parties involved in the world of sport to report doping or cheating violations safely, confidentially and securely. That was expected to provide a sense of security to whistleblowers and encourage them to speak up and report if they find violations. That visit was not only an important moment to increase understanding, but also to strengthen relations between IADO and PERSAMBI. Good cooperation is the key to success in maintaining sports honesty. Everyone joining the event hoped that that visit will have a positive impact in keeping Indonesian sports clean, as well as supporting Indonesian athletes in achieving achievements on the international stage.