Karawang, 17 November 2023
PB PODSI (the Executive Board of the Indonesian Rowing Sports Association) held a national rowing championship from November 17th to December 10th, 2023. The Directorate of Education continued to strive to spread knowledge related to anti-doping in various ways, in which one of them was by conducting anti-doping activities such as education seminars, discussion services related to filling whereabouts, and anti-doping campaigns or outreach. IADO also enlivened the national rowing championship on November 17 at the Canoeing sports venue, by opening an Anti-Doping outreach booth. The Anti-Doping outreach is an activity that falls into the category of value-based activities and awareness raising, which means that the activity aimed to install clean sport values, and provided general knowledge related to anti-doping, 11 anti-doping violations, doping sanctions, rights and obligations of athletes.
The Anti-Doping Campaign booth was attended by 14 provinces including Jakarta, Central Kalimantan, Western Sumatra, Western Sulawesi, and others. The total visitors to the Anti-Doping Campaign booth were 74 people consisting of Athletes, Coaches, and Managers. The Anti-Doping Campaign Team also conducted a survey related to that activity, in which 89.1% strongly agreed that they became more aware of anti-doping, and 87% of participants were satisfied with the Anti-Doping Campaign activities held at the National Rowing Championships.