Jakarta, 16 November 2023
As the commitment to show its serious responsibility in supporting IADO for clean sport, the Indonesia Obstacle Sports Federation (IOSF / FOHRI) signed the MoU with IADO on November 16th, 2023 at the office of IADO. The signing was carried out by Mr. Pahala Mansury (Chairman of IOSF) and the Chairman of IADO. Event thought the obstacle sport is a relatively new sport program in Indonesia, its athletes has contributed their medals on the 2023 SEA Games di Cambodia. That was the reason for IOSF which is now coincidently led by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs (accompanied by the Secretary General of IOSF Mr. Arya Bambang Samudera) suddenly visited IADO and signed the agreement, whose purpose is to ensure that his athletes who are strongly requested to get better achievement on the next various international events are mandatory not to violate the anti-doping regulation stipulated by WADA.
The visit of the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to the office of IADO surprised and delighted IADO at the same time, because he was the first Minister or Vice Minister visiting IADO. The information of the related-visit was just obtained on the night of Wednesday of November 15th, 2023. Few minutes prior to the visit, the Chairman of IADO contacted the Chairman of NOC of Indonesia on the related visit, because IOSF is one of the members of NOC of Indonesia. During the meeting, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs has shown his personal support (as the Chairman of IOSF) and support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to IADO in overcoming any challenges, in particular to communicate with WADA in Montreal. In addition, he also suggested his Secretary General to accommodate their internal regulation of the federation on anti-doping regulation.
After the signing, the Chairman of IADO expressed his high appreciation to the Chairman of IOSF and his national federation who was very quick to respond an appeal raised by IADO to sign the MoU. Such an important signing has added the number of national federations in Indonesia having MoU with IADO, so that the current number is 47 national federations. IADO is now being targeted by WADA to strongly endorse all national federations which are members of NOC of Indonesia to have MoU with IADO, for such agreement would be significant and legal indication for WADA that all of national federations in Indonesia have fully supported and complied with the World Anti-Doping Code. The Chairman of IADO also provided information to the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs that the performance of IADO especially the annual budget has been fully supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports without any intervention from any parties including the government.