Doping Control at the National Rowing Championship)

Gateway to the location of National Rowing Championship in Karawang. Source: IADO.

Karawang, 20 November 2023

PB PODSI (the Executive Board of the Indonesian Rowing Sports Association) held a National Rowing Championship 2023 in the Situ Cipule Tourism Area, Karawang, West Java which on November 17th to December 10th, 2023. That event was held as a Qualification for the XXI National Sports Games (PON) 2024 in Aceh – North Sumatra and involved 835 male and female athletes and 165 support personnels from 25 provinces for 4 championships consisting of National Championship of Canoe Rowing, National Championship of TBR Rowing, National Championship of Rowing and National Championship of SUP Rowing and Canoe Slalom.
In supporting clean sport, IADO also played an active role in collaboration with PB PODSI in doping control at the National Canoe Championship on November 17th to 20th, 2023 which involved 282 male and female athletes from 23 provinces in Indonesia. The match numbers competed in this National Canoe Championship consisted of 12 match numbers divided into MK1 200M, MK1 1000M, MK2 500M, MK4 500M, MC1 1000M, and MC2 500M for the Men’s category and WK1 500M, WK1 1000M, WK2 500M, WK4 500M, WC1 200M, and WC2 500M for the Women’s category and competed for a total of 36 gold medals.
IADO as the Testing Authority and Sample Collection Authority of the National Canoe Championship assigned 2 DCOs and 2 Chaperones and successfully collected samples by ensuring confidentiality and maintaining the integrity of athlete samples in accordance with the assigned Testing Order and International Standards for Testing and Investigations.
IADO appreciated PB PODSI’s step in supporting IADO to conduct doping control at the National Canoe Championship environment for the PON XXI Qualification as an initial screening in order to achieve zero doping at the grand event of the upcoming PON. IADO hoped that more National Federations will start to be more aware on the importance of doping control to achieve fair and clean sports.

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