IADO’s Efforts to Harmonize Serious Performance and Relax Activities

Circumstances of the annual working meeting of IADO in Batu, Malang. Source: IADO.

Batu, 23 December 2023

For the purpose of evaluating its existing program and planning its program for the following year, IADO organized a working meeting, conducted on December 20th to 22nd, 2023 in Batu, near the city of Malang, Eastern Java. The Meeting was attended by all of the leaders and staffs of Board of Executives of IADO in a small villa, enabling all of IADO’s members to stay, interact, discuss and have fun together after the very serious meeting. The main reason for IADO to have a working meeting which was not organized in Jakarta was due to enable them to have a harmonization after working very hard during the year of 2023. Almost every day and sometimes during the weekend, they used to complete their duties not only in Jakarta, but they worked sometimes in remote areas. In addition, the year of 2023 was also dominated by activities of the WADA Audit. Its audit itself was conducted on April 27th and 28th, 2023 only or two days, the very busy activities however occurred on the times before and after the audit. Prior to the audit, IADO was very serious in preparing all of documents related to the audited possible activities. Meanwhile, as usual after the audit, IADO was mandatory to fulfil all its obligations recommended by the WADA Audit Team based on the time frame.

The discussion of the meeting began with the virtual presentation of the Directorate of Education by its Director Mrs Natashya. She presented all of information concerning with all previous anti-doping activities during the year of 2023, ADEL activities for all athletes who should be participated on SEA Games Phnom Penh and in particular on Asian Games in Hangzou, preparation to set up special anti-doping presenter or educators, and others. Directorate of Education was also requested to provide its planned activities on 2024, in which its duties will be more challenging, because of its obligation would not only have done by more special educators, but it also relates to the more specific substances they have to deploy to athletes and their ASP. After the Directorate of Education, it was followed by the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation by Mr. Suharyanto (Director of Intelligence and Investigation). Compared to the previous working meeting in Ciwide of Bandung on October 2022, his presentation was more confident, challenging and more interesting. On his presentation, he provided various performances which were achieved on 2023 showing lots of performance playing a significant role to IADO. Consequently, all participants of the meeting agreed to endorse Mr Suharyanto to speed up and increase his team for a better performance, because they have given a good performance.

Before ending the discussion at the first day, the Bureau of Planning by Mr. Hugo Panji (Head of Planning Bureau) provided his presentation of performance which was completed on 2023. It was very interesting with that presentation, because the content of its presentation did not relate to all activities as common planning presentation, but also it was dominated by all maters corresponding with the progress of the WADA – conducted audit so called CCQ (Code Compliance Questionnaires). Due to his position to be assigned as the person responsible of technical contact to WADA for fulfilling the CCQ, the Head of Planning Bureau used to provide the CCQ’s progress weekly. Fortunately, the team work of IADO was quite solid, so that it was not difficult for IADO to complete its obligations as far as within IADO’s jurisdiction on time. For instance, historically there is never memorandum of understanding achieving the mounting number of national federations agreeing to have signed it with IADO within 8 months after being critically reminded by WADA. On another word, the trauma of sanctions and excessive concern from IADO has prompted IADO to be careful and quickly resolve a number of WADA audit findings.

It is quite common that one of the hardest jobs of NADO (including IADO) occurs at the Directorate of Testing. From the beginning of the year to the end of 2023, that directorate was the busiest work unit of IADO, because its personnel and SCP (including DCOs and BCOs) seemed almost no free time without collecting samples every week. On her presentation at the second day of the meeting, the Director of Testing Mrs Linda Rosalina provided her team performances including their activities both ICT and OOCT, which really consumed times. Even though during 2022, that directorate was very busy compared to other units of IADO, the activities became busier due to the findings of the WADA Audit Team. According to WADA, there were lots of thing to be done by that Directorate, such as to be more serious and stricter to instruct any athlete to complete Whereabouts, there should be revision to its DCO Manual Guidance, there should be silent operation to any OOCT activities and other. All of IADO had to express special gratitude to the performance of the Directorate of Testing (the same as other units of IADO), because it did not only overcome its findings, but it also performed very well during 2023. In addition, Linda also presented her preparation for the 2024 planning, especially to conduct their duties for the 2024 National Sports Games (PON) and the 2024 National Paralympic Games (PEPARNAS).

That working meeting was initiated by the Acting Secretary General of IADO Mr. Indra Bayu, whose purposes did not only enable all of IADO’s persons to focus in discussing its previous and next programs, but it also enabled them to have a common psychological feeling far from Jakarta to be serious and sometimes to have fun together. Even though their travels to Malang were conducted by train, they enjoyed it very well, while continuing to monitor correspondence with WADA on the matter of regulation. By conducting such meeting, IADO could be relax for a while, because the duties on the 2024 will be more challenging due to both events of the 2024 National Sports Games and the 2024 National Paralympic Games, which will be organized in 2 provinces located on the westernmost areas of Indonesia.; Atjeh and Northern Sumatera.

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