IADO Officially Opens the Recruitment for Anti-Doping Educational Presenter (PRESI)

Recruitment announcement for PRESI of IADO. Source: IADO.

Jakarta, 19 February 2024

IADO as the National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) in Indonesia aims to organize educational activities that include four educational program components, namely values-based education, awareness raising, information provision and anti-doping education as regulated in the ISE (International Standard for Education) and Guidelines for ISE. So as to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of anti-doping education in accordance with WADA, educational activities must be delivered by someone who has been trained and authorized according to the requirements as stipulated in the ISE, namely the Educator which at IADO will be referred to as PRESI which stands for Presenter Edukasi. PRESIs will provide education both face-to-face and online, and have competency in all mandatory anti-doping education topics outlined in Article 18.2 of the World Anti-Doping Code.

Therefore, it is necessary to hold a screening as PRESI which is then carried out training to mature the competencies possessed by PRESI candidates so that when PRESI has been formed, the implementation of anti-doping education activities to Athletes and ASPs in Indonesia can be delivered more effectively and evenly. For this reason, the first step that will be taken by the IADO Education Directorate is to carry out open recruitment as anti-doping educators (educational presenters / PRESI). The qualifications and requirements to become a PRESI are as follows.

PRESI Candidate Qualifications:

  1. Have a passion for sports;
  2. Have an interest in educating athletes and athlete support personnel (coaches, medical teams/paramedics, masseurs, administrators, etc.);
  3. Have experience or expertise in sports science, medicine, coaching/training and pedagogy;
  4. Have good communication and presentation skills, both orally and in writing;
  5. Ability to work in a team and independently;
  6. Committed to learn the technical side of anti-dopingHave English language skills;
  7. Willing to attend educator training (PRESI).

PRESI Candidate Requirements:

  1. Essay;
  2. CV / Curriculum Vitae;
  3. Scan of the last diploma and transcript;
  4. Scan of ID card;
  5. Photo;
  6. Work experience documents such as achievement certificates/awards/certifications from teacher/educator training/other programs (if any);
  7. A statement letter not currently serving as Sample Collection Personnel (SCP).

Furthermore, the time of registration commenced from today of February 19th, to March 11th, 2024. For those having concerned to join to be PRESI, please contact to edu@iado.id or download bit.ly/OPREC_PRESI_IADO.

Jakarta, 19 February 2024.

Chairman of IADO,
Gatot S. Dewa Broto

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