Lausanne, 13 March 2024
IADO through their 3 officials (Chairman of IADO, Acting Secretary General of IADO Mr. Indra Bayu and Director of Intelligence and Investigation of IADO Suharyanto) on March 12th and 13th, 2024 attended the WADA Annual Symposium in Lausanne, Switzerland. IADO’s presence in WADA activity officially opened by the WADA President Mr. Witold Banka was very important, enabling all stakeholders in the anti-doping sector throughout the world to interact each other according to their respective up date and urgencies, as well as to attend the 25th WADA’s Anniversary Commemoration, which was fully attended by almost all previous WADA Presidents.
For IADO, the main purpose of its presence was to show WADA that Indonesia is very serious in handling anti-doping, so that the WADA Audit findings which previously were critical findings related to legislation did not interfere the routine anti-doping activities in Indonesia. It was hoped that the presence of a delegation from Indonesia provided a positive image to WADA, so that decision making related to critical findings related to legislation and the actions that had been carried out by the Indonesian Government could be accepted and Indonesia could avoid non-compliance sanctions. In addition, another aim was to enrich information, knowledge and the existence of the Indonesian National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO), represented by IADO.
Another interesting thing about WADA’s activity was that considering the increasing number of violations, it was deemed necessary to strengthen intelligence and investigative activities, which in reality have not been optimized much in many NADOs (National Anti-Doping Organizations). That was the reason that WADA really appreciated the collaboration project with the European Commission to develop activities involving various law enforcement agencies for intelligence and investigative activities. Based on the interim report from the project team, not many NADOs are aware of the importance of the role of intelligence and investigation in efforts to prevent doping and not many NADOs have involved law enforcement officials, because what has been taking place has only been in the form of preventing narcotics.