Education Activity for Athletes in cooperation with KONI in Bandung

Education activity for athletes in Bandung Source: IADO.

Jakarta, September 2nd, 2022

After the successful education session of anti-doping in Jakarta on August 30th, 2022, IADO continued the similar activity to the next destination: Bandung on September 2nd, 2022. The activity was led by the Secretary General dr. Eka Wulan Sari and coordinated by the Director of Education Ms. Natashya Marcellina Ardiany as well as accompanied by the representative of KONI.

The number of persons participating in the education in this Western Java was approximately 50 persons, consisting of athletes and coaches.  Even though elite athletes or those who were at the training center did not take part in that education activity, but the education played an important role, because the related-elite athletes would have other opportunities to get any education.

By attending such education, the participants would be more familiar with all of the matters related to anti-doping, including the critical information of the newest list of prohibited substances and TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemptions). Most of them were still young, so that they could be more prepared to avoid any violation against any an anti-doping rule.

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